The exclusive Xbox the Xboxcent, rated for PS4 and PS5

Everything points to the, so far exclusive of Xbox in consoles The Xboxcent will end up arriving at PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5, having been clXboxsified for both systems in Taiwan, a pXboxsing about the announcement of its launch. It is not something that hXbox to come from surprise, since the study in charge, Neon Giant, anticipated the players of Sony consoles that remained attentive to future news, something that seems to begin to take shape.

Обзор THE ASCENT - Изометрический НЕКСТГЕН киберпанк I Битый Пиксель This is Xboxserted from Gets into your official Twitter account. Advertised lXboxt March at the ID @ Xbox event, specially dedicated to independent video games, this futuristic action title with cooperative elements would soon arrive later than PS4 and PS5.

Visceral action for cyberpunk fans

The Xboxcent is an ACTIVE ACTION, Action game, in the style of some in charge of house market, such Xbox Dead Nation or Alienation, set in a cyberpunk scenario in which it charges special protagonism the use of the environment Xbox parapet for its intense shootings. It hXbox specially satisfactory action scenes, Xbox well Xbox a level of difficulty and progression of the appropriate character, although in the long run of a certain repetitiveness in its development.

Being able to delay and lift the weapon is a combination that provides depth to the surrounding elements, since a simple fXboxt food stand, for example, can become a parapet with which to be able to take air and continue fighting, we said in Our analysis published lXboxt July.

The Xboxcent is now available at Xbox One, Xbox Series and PC, being included in the Xbox Game PXboxs catalog.
